½Å¸í¼ö (Myoungsu Shin)
»çȸ±â¹Ý½Ã¼³¹°ÀÇ ³»Áø¼³°è ¹× ¼º´É Æò°¡, °íÃþ°Ç¹° ¼³°è ÃÖÀûÈ, °í¼º´É ÀÚ±âÄ¡À¯ ½Ã¸àÆ® ÆøÇÕü °³¹ß ¹× ºñÆı« ¼º´É Æò°¡ ±â¹ý °³¹ß
¿ø°ÝŽ»ç, ÀΰøÁö´É, µ¥ÀÌÅÍ»çÀ̾ð½º, Àç³ÀçÇØŽÁö/¿¹Ãø, ´ë±âÁú ¸ð´ÏÅ͸µ ¹× ¿¹Ãø, ±ØÁöȯ°æº¯È ¸ð´ÏÅ͸µ ¹× ¿¹Ãø, ½Ä»ý ź¼ÒÀúÀå·® ÃßÁ¤, ±â»ó±âÈÄ °üÃø ¹× ¿¹Ãø, ¼ö°è ¸ð´ÏÅ͸µ ¹× Æò°¡
Development of cementless GGBFS and fly ash inorganic binders Á¦Ã¶ ºÎ»ê¹° ¹× ¹ßÀü¼Ò ¼®ÅºÀç ±â¹Ý ¹«(Ùí)½Ã¸àÆ® °áÇÕÀç °³¹ß
Development of low-carbon artificial lightweight aggregate and lightweight concreteÀúź¼Ò Àΰø °æ·® °ñÀç ¹× °æ·® ÄÜÅ©¸®Æ® °³¹ß
Development of neutron shielding lightweight concreteÁß¼ºÀÚ Â÷Æó °æ·® ÄÜÅ©¸®Æ® °³¹ß
ÀÌ¿µÁÖ (Young Joo Lee)
Structural reliability, lifelines, disaster risk assessment, and risk-based structural design and maintenance ±¸Á¶½Å·Ú¼º, ¶óÀÌÇÁ¶óÀÎ, Àç³À§Ç輺 Æò°¡, À§Ç輺 ±â¹Ý ±¸Á¶¹° ¼³°è ¹× À¯Áö°ü¸®
±èº´¹Î (Byungmin Kim)
Seismic hazard analysis, Site characterizatrion, Ground motion amplification, Liquefaction ÁöÁøÀçÇغм®, Áö¹Ý Ư¼º Á¶»ç, ÁöÁøÆÄ ÁõÆø Çö»ó, ¾×»óÈ
Ç¥¼®ÈÆ (Sukhoon Pyo)